Saturday, March 1, 2008

Who is the terrorist?

The massacres continues 55 victims in 12 hours, about 10 fighters died but the majority was 45 victims from civilians including 7 children one of them is only 2 days old, 7 women.
The holocaust
declared by Matan Vilnai, yesterday is being launched by today morning with confines. Diverse sorts of weapons used against unarmed civilians, F16 and Apaches planes were used. In addition to using heavy guns, bombs, missiles and cluster bombs as well.

1 comment:

M.7aleem said...

انواع الاسلحه المسخدمه
لا تدل الا على شىء واحد ضعف
والضحايا كل يوم بتموت
بتفوت زى اى صوت
وارسم يا فنان صوره بالدم
واتوصا شويه بلون الدم
اصل فى ناس خلاص مبقاش عندها دم
واحنا اللى شيلين الهم
وشايفين كل يوم الدم
دم طفل دم ام دم اب دم اخت ومتلاقى اللى يهتم
بالله عليكو احنا عندنا دم ولا هو الهم
وتوت توت اهو دم بيفوت زى اى صوت
ومتنساش يا فنان تبقى ترسم صوره للايمان