Saturday, March 1, 2008

criminals !!

they're killing the terrorists

like him?

why will he be in this graveyard?
what did he do?

why won't he be two years old?
what was his crime?

is it because he is Palestinian?

where 's the world conscience?
where are the human rights?
where's the united nations?

he is Palestinian

just Palestinian

it was his crime

we are killers, all of us
you and you and they and me
we are the killers

we killed him by our silence
we killed him by our negligence
we killed him

he isn't the dead one.. we are the deads


وجهة نظر said...

yes>>>because he is Palestinian
yes>>>it was his crime

allah with u gaza

M.7aleem said...

No comment

بنت مصرية جدعة said...

Israeli Assassins

mimoproudmuslima said...

u r right
we r the killers
every silent muslim or arabic is a killer
every sinful muslim man or woman is a killer
we have to apply our religion correctly
we don't have only to pray and fast
we have to help our dear palestinian people
we have to pray for them
we have to donate for them
we have to let every single person among the 6 billion human beings know that palestinians r the opressed people and that they r not the opressors in this war
every person in this world has to know that israelians are not worthy of their pity or mercy
our sympathy with gaza needs to become a verb, not just a noun